β’ Open interest difference, calculated as previous_oi - current_oi.
β’ It indicates whether there are new positions being opened (+ OI_Diff) or existing positions being closed (- OI_Diff). A positive OI_Diff suggests increasing interest and potential bullish or bearish sentiment depending on the option type (call or put). A negative OI_Diff indicates closing positions and possibly a decreasing interest in that option.
β’ Open interest delta exposure, calculated as open_interest * 100 * ABS(delta).
β’ Since Delta represents the sensitivity of the option's price to changes in the underlying asset's price, OI DEX quantifies the dollar value impact of the open interest adjusted by the delta. High OI DEX values indicate significant positions with substantial sensitivity to the underlying asset's price movements, highlighting areas of potential volatility and vice versa.
β’ Open interest delta exposure index, calculated as open_interest * 100 * ABS(delta) / average_stock_volume (with a check to avoid division by zero).
β’ It normalizes OI DEX by the average stock volume, providing a relative measure of the open interest's impact in relation to the overall trading volume of the underlying asset. High OI DEI values suggest that the open interest represents a substantial portion of the underlying asset's trading activity, indicating heightened market attention and potential for significant price movements.
β’ Open interest difference premium, calculated as oi_diff * 100 * close.
β’ It calculates the monetary value of the change in open interest, scaled by the option's price, representing the premium associated with the change in open interest. High OI Diff Premium values suggest significant financial commitment to new or closed positions, providing insights into the strength of market sentiment.
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